C major 7#11

Today's Guitar Chord of the Day is C major 7#11. The #11 adds a nice lydian flavour to the major guitar chord. Lydian mode is a favourite of guitarists Steve Vai and Joe Satriani. This guitar chord can replace chord IV in major keys and to add harmonic interest also replace chord I.
C major7#11 Guitar Chord
Cmaj7#11 guitar chord

The #11 in the C major7#11 chord gives this guitar chord a nice sound based on the lydian mode. It can replace chord IV in major keys and if you want to add harmonic interest replace chord I.

Major 7#11 chords use these degrees of the major scale: 1, 3, 5, 7, #11

C Major 9#11 uses the notes: C, E, G, B, F#

Our inversion uses the notes in this order: G, C, E, F#, B

Record a vamp using this #11 guitar chord and the major9#11 guitar chord and practice your Lydian guitar solos over the top.

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